Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The perils of group home livin'

So we was in computer class today and Helen let us look up whatever we felt like. They got filters on the computers to block out all kinds of nonsense, the u-tubes and myspaces, pornography and stuff. So I'm checking in on that John Sloss character (a rascal of the highest order, yuk-yuk) and Helen comes by and gives Ole' Tim a good holler about by-passin' the filters. I guess cuz I was once an assistant manager at Computer World she thinks I know all about this tech stuff. I try an explain that it's just my friend's page an' he is kind of a devil, but she goes yellin' that we can't use the network for that kind of stuff so now I ain't supposed to be lookin' at his webshow. Shucks, and I was just being neiborly. So how y'all doin' ?


"Oh my God please see ft in Your Divine nature to remove all my defects of character and keep my feet firmly on the road of sobriety and not to be misled into the eternal damnation of my personal demon, alcohol. Amen."


  1. you shoulda passed her filter.

  2. Greetings Mr. Kisper, I am a 400lb man who is addicted to fast foods and all you eat buffets, I find you story of overcoming you alcoholic addiction positive and uplifting. I also love Marvel comics and action figures.

  3. I'd like to pass more than that! Yuk, yuk!

    Howdy Travis? Any relation to Travis Trit? Suchs, I ain't no inspiration, just lay off of them desserts, they'll kill ya! I figure there's a lot O action in them Marvel comics of yours. My brother-in-law, Ken (crippled basterd) had some nice old Marvel funny books but well, they didn't have a happy ending.
    Your pal Timmy

  4. Timothy, you are a drunk, it's quite simple! As for this Helen she must be vigorously spanked at once! I shall don my sleek black (with lime piping)1960s Scandinavian ice skater racing suit and agressively administer discipline to this misguided lass (and Mr. Puppet's Mz. Rulin as well) with a rigid rubber swim fin filled with pumice. Yes, I see I have been absent far too long.


  5. All you can drink free booze! only at The Sloss Life! If that doesn't get him to come back, nothing will.

  6. The Puppetboy Show's new fall season has begun,come on over!
