Monday, September 28, 2009

Funny books sure have gotten expensive!

Howdy pardners, it looks like ole Tim is in trouble. Remember I told y'all 'bout burning them funnybooks I found in the garage for warmth? Well they didn't belong to Ken Jr. No siree Bob, they belonged to Ken Sr. He saved them from his childhood and having at it that I'm a half buck shy of him that would put them at oh about 45 to 50 years old. Now, I aint no dummy (jurry's still out on that one, yuk, yuk!), I paid my dues at the antique store manning the register so I know these got value. So I ask the ole' bro-in-law, say Kenny, what're them old comic books worth ya got there out in the garage? He sez, well they're in rough shape but will still fetch about 10 G's, there're gonna pay for my retirement. Ya see, the guy's a cripple an he don't work, big sis pulls down some serious doe but with today's market who knows how they'll fare in another 15 years easpecialy now that there nest egg's gone up in smoke. It's gonna break my heart to tell the old man that I saw a couple of Ken Jr's shifty friends cart the box off the other night.

10 thousand dollars for a few minutes of heat, a fare trade?


  1. One time I saw this movie and this kid put a Mego Spiderman in the oven.

  2. One time when I was little my Mom was really drunk and she put the laundry in the oven. After that I wanted to be a fireman and it led to my experimental pyromania phase. Miss Jenkins took care of that though and I still got the scar to prove it.
